Especially socially critical topics Monika Lederbauer ML realizes as installations. The source of her interest in installations was the long-standing employment with Veza Canetti, which lead to several works with different focal points in various versions. Besides “node against forgetting” , “HUMAN: RIGHTS”, last time “HOPE | UTOPIA 2050!” has been one of the themes that found its implementation in this medium.
2023: „MEE/hR ML“ – landart/outdoor installation 10m x 1,4m LW
2022: “PEACEall over the WORLD” (Stand with UKRAINE!)
WEareALLconnected – PEACEallOVERtheWORLD – Embroidery on 2 used coffee filters ML22
PEACE all over the WORLD!
TEAtime COFFEEtime! ML
Cup of TEA = Cup of COFFEE connect/s/ed hearts flowers = enjoy LOVE & PEACE
I deliberately chose the shape of a fan: a woman`s fan is supposed to cool down.
2017: „When MEDUSA was once buried …“ ML17 – lilac-root wood sculpture: W30xD26xH30cm
2015: “HOPE | UTOPIA 2050! Mountain-MEE / hR and the rest of material of the work “Creation of Adam and Eve”- her object sculpture – 20x20x10cm
2013: VEZA+ SHADOW: woma/e/n: “My view? Your sight … lift the curtains!” ROOM:Installation (190x90x70cm)
2012: HUMAN : RIGHTS ML12 “INTENTION: or : WITHOUT ..?!” – my walk-on-able floor installation approx 160x200cm
– PREVIEW to VEZA Canetti ML12
– “Handkerchief- nodes AGAINST forgetting” – ML12
2011: “10m – BLUE” – wall installation – MEE / hR ML12
– VEZAlebt “SHADOW: woman “ML 11 photo + nature installation (220 x 240 x 70cm) of a temporary sculpture
2010: “localization” – VEZAlebt-1 ML 2010 Installation with radiographs 220x260cm