NMN – NeuMondNacht

Since 2006 ML developed her series NeuMondNacht (new moon), whose works arise in this special night, mostly working by candlelight. After initial experiments she has found her canon in format and technique now. An aphorism is the source and then molded artistically

My artist book – catalog for this concept art series has been published 2024 by Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz … in the 35th anniversary year of the Bibliothek der Provinz publishing house:
Monika Lederbauer
“70 + 1 = 17 + // ML + NMN”
ISBN-978-3-99126-280-0 www.bibliothekderprovinz.at/buch/8313/ 21 x21 cm, 96 pages, paperback, € 18.00 Can be found in well-stocked bookstores (A, D, CH) or directly from the Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz.